Mock Trial

Mock Trial not only taught me how to indulge myself in one activity, but also the interest for social justice. The cases in the mock trial are very realistic, and it shows many different aspects of an incident.

Either you're the prosecution or the defense, there is no objective "truth" but rather just the aspects of many different people. That is the same with the trial; the decisions of the judge and members of the jury are sometimes hard to agree with, but everyone knows that there are limitations to the judicial system and blindspots of law.

These made me ponder about what social justice really is and how we can achieve it. This is especially important, I think, because the cases deal with important social issues often. In the United States v. Tiernee, we dealt with how technology could be exploited for crime; In the State v. McCarson, we dealt with hate speech towards minorities; and in the State of Indiana v. Les Heyes, we dealt with the bad customs in a school and how bullying could be condoned. Overall, going through these cases grew my social consciousness.

This naturally led to my involvement in other activities, making mock trial an invaluable experience. In college, I want to continue dedicating myself to this and further develop myself.